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Resources for you and your pet

We've compiled some helpful resources for you to get the most out of life with your pet.

Thanksgiving Table Scraps That Dogs Shouldn’t Eat

Thanksgiving Table Scraps That Dogs Shouldn’t Eat

Thanksgiving is just around the corner and while it may be tempting to give your dog scraps from the table, you should be cognizant of what impact those ingredients may...
How To Celebrate Halloween With Your Dog During Quarantine

How To Celebrate Halloween With Your Dog During Quarantine

At Portland Pet Food Company, we love any excuse to celebrate with our dogs, and Halloween is no exception. While Halloween will look different this year, there are still ways to celebrate and have fun at home with your dog.

Which Fall Foods Your Dog Can and Can’t Eat

Fall is here and with the season comes pumpkin spice lattes, fresh cinnamon donuts, and piles of colorful leaves for dogs to jump in. Sharing delicious fall treats is a great way...
Fun Fall Activities To Do With Your Dog

Fun Fall Activities To Do With Your Dog

It’s sweater weather and pumpkin spice season! Here are five fun activities to do with your dogs this fall.

halloween safety tips for your dog

Four Halloween Safety Tips For Your Dog

There might not be anything on the face of the Earth as cute as a dog in a Halloween costume. However, it's important to remember that this particular holiday brings with...
dog sniffing apple barrel portland pet food company

Five Unique Dog-Friendly Fall Adventures!

The Portland air is crisp, leaves have begun to change, but the skies are still sunny: It's officially Fall- and we couldn't be happier! Here are some of the ways we'll make this autumn count. 
How To Ease The Pain For Dogs When Kids Head Back To School

How To Ease The Pain For Dogs When Kids Head Back To School

Back to school season - it’s ruff on everyone, including your dog!