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The holidays are meant to be a time for sharing, togetherness, and home-cooked feasts, so it’s natural to want to include one of the most im-paw-tant members of the family (your pet!) in the festivities by feeding them some of those delicious leftovers. Though every pet has different needs and tolerance levels (when in doubt, consult your vet), you’ll be happy to know that vets who spoke to The Washington Post consider small portions of many holiday foods (with caveats!) safe.

Turkey Time

White meat from your chicken and turkey is one of your best bets for a holiday treat to feed your pet, but make sure to avoid the skin, other fatty parts, and bones. Too much fat can lead to stomach upset or possibly pancreatitis, while bones can cause blockages or damage to the gastrointestinal tract.

Are Fruits and Veggies Ok?

Seedless apples, cranberries, and pumpkin (either canned or puréed) are healthy and safe for your pet, as long as you avoid feeding them any sugary pies. Veggies like broccoli, Brussels sprouts, collard greens, green beans, carrots, celery, cauliflower, peas, squash, zucchini, russet potatoes, and sweet potatoes are also reliable choices for both dogs and cats. The key is to keep everything plain— avoid seasoning, toppings, and cooking with lots of fat. Even very small pieces of bread are ok to share if they’re thoroughly baked.

Which Holiday Foods Are Definitely Unsafe for Pets?

The ASPCA has a helpful list of “people foods” that no pet should ever eat, but the main ones that may be around a lot during the holidays include raw/undercooked meat, bones, grapes/raisins, chocolate, yeast dough, dairy, onions, garlic, chives and large amounts of salt. Ingesting these foods can cause a range of dangerous reactions like vomiting, diarrhea or even death. So, it’s vital that you think about all the ingredients in your food before sneaking a snack to your pet under the table.

How Much Holiday Food Can I Feed My Pet?

According to vets, these “people food” holiday treats should never be more than 10 to 20% of your pet’s daily food intake. Everything in moderation!

Safe, Healthy Alternatives to Holiday Foods

If knowing what’s 100% safe for your pet to eat from the holiday table is intimidating to you, simply pick up our fall-flavored treats and meals for both cats and dogs instead! With all natural, festive ingredients like turkey, pumpkin, yams, and cranberries, your pet can share in the holiday spirit without any worries.

Human-Grade Meals & Healthy Treats