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Adopting a dog is more than just committing to save a life; regardless of whether you're adopting a 6-month-old puppy or a 13-year-old senior, you would be doing that either way. However, welcoming a senior dog to your home can open both you and your new companion to a stronger bond than you ever imagined. Below, we've put together a few reasons you should consider Adopting a Senior Dog today! 

1. When you adopt a senior dog...

You are most likely granting them a second (or third or fourth) chance at knowing the comforts of a loving home. Some dogs have never known what it feels like to sleep in a bed that they can call their own, and you could be the person that gives that comfort to them!

2. Some Senior Dogs...

have medical issues that were too much for their previous owners to handle. By adopting them, you're giving them a shot at life.

3. Occasionally...

Senior dogs are taken to the shelter after their owner passes away. They still have so much love left to give, and you could be that special someone!

4. Older Dogs...

often come with manners and basic commands already learned from their previous home. Much easier than a puppy! Unfortunately, older dogs have a harder time getting adopted, many times at no fault of their own. These senior dogs with soothing demeanors, greying fur and wagging tails, have for some reason ended up without a home, and they are patiently waiting for someone to give them a chance at love and comfort.

5. Senior Dogs..

will almost always surprise you by their ability to learn new tricks, their constant love and loyalty, and the energy they regain once finding a forever home. Adopt A Senior Dog Today!!

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